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About Velma


Rev. Velma E. Greenlee is an anointed Preacher, Teacher, Visionary and Innovative Transformational Speaker who has a passion for God. Although Velma Greenlee Ministries (VGM) was founded in 2011, Velma has been a disciple of God for over 38 years and has been encouraging the people of God through ministry for over 25 years. Her insightful messages challenge men and women to cultivate their God-given potential in their personal, spiritual, and professional lives. Velma once read a quote that said, "Don't leave this earth having everyone else use you but God". The quote rung loudly within her spirit and caused her to move forward in her God given assignments.


Velma lives out the Fruit of the Spirit.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." Galatians 5:22-23a (CSB)

Velma walks in love, gracefully and with compassion. She chooses joy and her smile will light up a room. Velma demonstrates peace and has patience. Whatever her lot in life, she will say "it's God's plan and God's purpose". She is a friend and her kindness is expressed through action. Thoughtful in her dealings with others and often extends a hand, a hug, a prayer to one needing help or encouragement. Velma understands that God wants us to demonstrate His goodness based on His commandments and His character. That is why she pursues after God, so that His light can always be found shining through her. Velma is a woman of her word. She is not only faithful to God and His call on her life, but she is faithful to her family, friends, and to all of God's people. Velma is gentle, humble, and is concerned about the well-being of others. She does not have a superiority complex but does have self-control and a desire to please God. Velma is a Galatians 5:22-23 woman. A prayer warrior, an intercessory praiser, mighty in Spirit, equipped to teach and born to preach. She is a willing vessel. Velma is God's daughter.

A Note from Velma

While growing up, I never felt like I fit "in". Felt different, unloved, unwanted and told by many that I was peculiar, but didn't understand why. Not understanding this I felt like an outcast . . . just trying to fit in.
In my younger years, speaking was a challenge. I struggled with stuttering. Teased and laughed at not only by my peers, but also adults. This made me withdraw from wanting to speak publicly. After coaching and much prayer, I overcame my limitation. But God!

Several years after accepting the call to ministry, I knew my ministry was a ministry for women. Not knowing what God was doing, I continued to walk by faith. While walking in faith, life’s Curveballs came my way. My mother’s passing, a Curveball. A failed engagement, a Curveball. The death of my youngest brother, a Curveball. My father’s illness, a Curveball. “But God!”

Life happens to everyone. But the question is, "What do you do when life happens?" I want to encourage you to just press. How do we press? We press through prayer. We press through fasting. We press through the Word. We press through sisterhood and brotherhood. Let's press together for there is a blessing in the pressing.


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